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Providence Nursery & Primary School

Several years ago my daughter spent invaluable time as a missionary in Uganda, Africa. She became good friends with Fred Wangwa, and in the past 10 years, Fred has become part of our family. We help this hard-working young man to lift himself and his community, Wabukhasa, out of the cycle of poverty.
Of particular concern, Wabukhasa lacks a school. The children number about 2000 in this area and are lagging behind in development. These children walk long distances to attend remote schools, and their encounters are dangerous and sometimes even fatal. For example the kidnapping or raping of children for rituals is very common. There are also accidents and incidents of heavy rain which all discourage parents from sending their children to school.
Two years ago, the women of Bukhumwa Christian Church (local church) formed a group and started making hand crafts which they have been selling to save some money. The children's inability to attend any school leads to lack of transformation and development in the community, thus perpetuating the “poverty cycle”. The women gave Fred their savings to use for starting a school. We therefore stepped out in faith and started Providence Nursery & Primary School in 2015. However, these funds do not nearly provide for the needs of these young children.
We are looking for any size donation to assist with children's school fees, a bowl of fortified porridge (since many children arrive to school hungry and this is their only decent meal each day), and provision of stipends for our teachers. Currently, our family's the only donor for this very important and necessary project, and we cannot do it alone!

Please contact me with any questions or to donate:

Jeff Gustafson
W9169 Gustafson Road
Butternut, Wi. 54514

Jeff Gustafson
W9169 Gustafson Road
Butternut, Wi. 54514